50 Women. 50 Stories. - PERLA Health

Here’s one thing that fascinated me about PCOS: You talk to 10 women, you get 10 different stories. 10 different diagnostic journeys, 10 difference sets of symptoms, 10 different ways PCOS is impacting life. When I started working on PERLA Health it was clear from the start, that in order to build something of value for the entire PCOS community, I needed to look beyond my own lived experience, learn from other women with PCOS and do my best to understand how their experience of and with the conditions differs from my own.

Over the past months, we have tried our best to listen and to learn. We’ve spoken to women with PCOS as well as providers working with women with PCOS and followed conversations about PCOS on Social Media. We wanted to understand what the unmet needs were and what frustrated women with PCOS the most. Soon we will share a little more about the outcome of this work, but our effort to listen and learn is far from over.

My name is Kathrin and I’m one of the co-founders of PERLA Health. My goal for the rest of this year is to learn from 50 other women with PCOS. I’ve been battling PCOS myself and while my goal is to learn from you, I am happy to share a little more about my story and our plans for PERLA Health. If you’re interested, you can read a little more about my PCOS journey here.

If you’re up for it, you can schedule some time with me. If you’d rather send me a message with your story, thoughts or feedback, you can send me a message. Either way I look forward to connecting with you!

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